Thursday 17 May 2012

Lord Gibson under fire?


LORD NEIL BENJAMIN GIBSON has currently been under fire in regard to his integrity and status as a humanitarian around the world.  After my interview with him, it is very clear as to how people could misunderstand who he is.  He has peripheral of world knowledge and is committed to empowering mankind in a positive manner.  The perception of his “lord” title is that he sits in a congested room and yells across elderly gentlemen.  Yet, this is not what position he holds.    In reality he acquired his title by the purchase of land acquisition, as many lords, barons, counts, etc. did in previous times.  When asked what he thought of the title, he stated “It gets me into the front of the line at the airport.”  He does not look at it as a power symbol.  He is a very humble person.

On the other hand, when he was asked about the world economy, starvation etc., he voiced his opinion and expressed himself very clearly.  After serving as Honorary Consulate General to Liberia, he saw much devastation and hunger and declared to work to thrive to create a better place for people in such war torn and poverty stricken areas.

He shared some of his new endeavors with me, such as housing projects and medical facilities, schooling, and farming.  He is working on the implementation in the country of Belize, which is close to his heart. As an English-speaking continent, which was once held in hierarchy with some people such as Queen Elizabeth. Currently, Lord Ashcroft still has a strong presence in Belize.

With the above being said, after reviewing articles write-ups and different information on the Internet, he appears to be a self-driven, philanthropic humanitarian who will continue to serve mankind. 

Jaqueline Cordot

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